Friday, June 26, 2009

Pickup Sticks

This weekend we are helping my parents build a deck off the back door. So far we have only done the demolition stage and we threw the boards into a pile on the grass below. The pile was just temporary because we needed to move the boards to a better location and stack them up too. So as I peered over the deck I saw this....What does this picure remind you of? I thought to myself, this reminds me of the a game that I played as a kid (yes, I have always loved games). It was a giant game of pick-up sticks! How cool was this going to be? So as my Dad and I completed the moving task, we took turns picking up 2x4's while trying not to move any others. It was great and hilarious. I learned that 2x4's are much more difficult than little plastic rainbow colored sticks.

1 comment:

lynnsiejames said...

I love how you know how to make anything fun and yet get so much done!! What a skill! xox